At A-INSIGHTS, we are always working on improving our products. In the past months, we have been working on a major redesign of our Dairy MarketMonitor. Below, we've detailed the most important improvements and added features.
Cleaner and more intuitive design
We have updated the design to create a more clean and intuitive dashboard. This design aligns better with our broader product offering and makes it easier to share snapshots of interesting developments with your colleagues.
Highlights on homepage
When opening the MarketMonitor, you now land on a highlights page that provides a snapshot view of the latest available data and key developments. From here you can navigate to monthly or yearly trade, or a deep dive into a specific country.

Intuitive filtering and drill-down options

We’ve improved the interactions between graphs, which allows you to filter more intuitively by clicking on periods or country names in graphs and tables. For when more precise filtering is needed, we’ve updated the filters on the top of the page to make it easier to select regions and countries within that region. In addition to easier filtering, most graphs and tables allow you to drill down into the data by using the navigation arrows that show up when hovering over a graph.
Expanded scope captures the full Dairy market
In order to fully capture the trade dynamics within the dairy market, we've extended the scope of products included in the MarketMonitor. Aside from the cheeses included in the previous version, we've added consumption dairy, creams, milk powders, and cream. For each of these main categories, we've defined subcategories to ease filtering and analysis, but of course, the product-level data is available as well.

Added features to ease analysis
Aside from the visual improvements, we’ve added much-requested features such as currency translation and rolling month periods. This enhances the usability of the dashboard and reduces the need for the transformation of exported data before it is usable in your internal communication and analysis.
Rolling month periods
In order to eliminate seasonality in trend analysis, we included rolling month periods for trade flow data. This allows you to compare the last selected month, the last three months, or the last 12 months to the same period a year earlier in order to asses short, medium, and long-term trends in trade.

Built-in currency translation

Furthermore, we’ve added the option to change the currency in which trade prices are shown. This allows you to view and export price developments in the currencies used in internal reporting and/or communications. Currency translation is done using monthly average exchange rates to eliminate currency effects in price developments. We’ve included the currencies most used by our users, but please reach out if we missed a currency important to your organization.
Trend analysis deep dive
In order to quickly gain insight into new trends in the dairy trade, we've included a trend analysis page in the dashboard. This allows you to look at specific trade lanes and products, sorting them by their development over the selected timespan. This provides insight in new lanes opening up, but also in markets that shift supply or increase the share of domestic production.

Up next…
With this redesign complete, we will focus on the continued development of the MarketMonitor. Currently, we are investigating the value of Bill of Lading trade data, which allows for a deep dive into competitor movements in selected markets.
If you have any other ideas or requests for features, KPIs, or visual improvements, please reach out and let us know so we can continue improving the product to best meet our user’s needs!